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Action Figures & Dolls - Action Figures - Comic - DC Superheroes (Mattel) - Series 1 - Batman Review
Action Figures & Dolls


DC Superheroes: Mattel, 2005. Asst J2003, SKU# J5151

The comic style Batman is back. Just before Christmas the new DC SuperHeroes line of figures hit the pegs. The first four figures, Batman, Bane, Killer Croc and Scarecrow are re-releases from last wave of Comic Style figures that Mattel released overseas. These figures are similar, but have some new features and are not identical to those. This figure is based on Batsignal Batman one of the Deluxe Figures from Wave 6. The only exceptions are that it was been repainted to blue/gray and does not have the ball jointed head or the cloth cape and there is no Batsignal included with the figure.

Essentially this figure is a cross between Zipline Batman and the SDCC Batman figures that were sculpted by The Four Horsemen, only with slightly better articulation. It has a “Retro Traditional” Gray and Blue look and is similar to the Jim Lee interpretation of Batman.

The figure stands 6.5 inches tall and has 20 points of articulation (head, shoulders, elbows, gloves, wrists, torso, waist, hips, knees and ankles) and the rubber cape that was on the 2004 SDCC “Unmasked Batman. It also includes three accessories, Grapling Gun, Batarang and Batcuffs that came with the 2003 SDCC Batman. It also includes a comic book, Detective Comics 704, “Rocket Scientist”

It takes Zipline Batman to a whole new level. A dead on classic Comic Book look and good example that Mattel can compete with Marvel Legends in the articulation department, almost. Not many Batman figures can actually touch the Utility Belt with their hands, this one can. The wash job that covers the body and cape adds a new dimension to detail and is not often seen on Mattel’s mass retail figures.

The loss of the ball joint head is sad, because this figure seems to stare downward more than Zipline did. While the rubber cape is fine, the cloth ones are almost always better. Zipline and the others before had slightly softer plastic for the gloves, this figure has very soft rubber gloves and hands. Too soft I think, as the wrists will probably let the hands come off easily during play. Those blue pins in the knees make me wonder where Quality Control was on that one. I also wonder if we will see a running change to gray pins later.

This is one of the better Batman figures ever released. Added articulation for greater playability makes it a really good value. If you want a figure with more articulation than Zipline Batman, but less than Attack Armor Batman then this is your figure. This figure is a must have for any Batman or action figure collector, and will be even more so if they get rid of those ugly blue pins in the knees.


Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman

(L-R: Zipline Batman, DC SuperHeroes Batman, Attack Armor Batman))


Reviewed By Flabat



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