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Comics - Ongoning Series - Batman Confidential #26

COVER TAGLINE: First Time Ever in Gotham! - The Curse of King Tut!
TITLE: A New Dawn: Part One

RELEASE DATE: February, 2009
COVER DATE: April, 2009

WRITER: Christina Weir; Nunzio DeFilippis
PENCILER(s): Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez
INKER(s): Kevin Nowlan
COLORS: David Baron
LETTERS: Ken Lopez
EDITOR(s): Mike Carlin; Rachel Gluckstern
COVER: Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez; Kevin Nowlan

PRICE: $2.99 U.S.

CHARACTERS: Batman (Bruce Wayne); King Tut (Victor Goodman); Commissioner James Gordon; Riddler (Edward Nigma)



Crooked members of the Board of Trustees at the Gotham Museum of Antiquities have been plotting to embezzle the museum's funds. Unfortunately someone else has stolen the money. To make matters worse, a man dressed as a Pharaoh calling himself King Tut has been attacking Board members while spouting off riddles. When word of these crimes gets to Batman his first thought is to investigate one of Gotham's newest Rogues - the Riddler.

Batman arrives at Gotham and begins interrogating Nigma. After taking a look at the crime scene photos - Riddler deduces that the next crime will take place in a shower or a tub. If Batman wants anymore information out of Riddler, or answers as to how he came to that conclusion, he'll need to release Riddler and allow him to go on the case with him - a stipulation Batman refuses. Leaving Riddler behind in Arkham, Batman and Gordon decide to send squad cars to the houses of each remaining Board member as a precaution while Batman tries to figure out how Riddler cracked Tut's code.

Working on a hunch of his own, Batman heads to the residence of the next senior Board member on the list of trustees only to find that Tut has already beaten him there. Keeping with his previous pattern of committing his crimes only at sundown or sunset, the board member is found drowned in his tub at dawn. Batman tries to resuscitate the man to no avail when suddenly he is attacked by Tut. King Tut claims to be heralding the dawn of a new God of light in Gotham - making Batman, a creature of the night, obsolete. Batman is able to fend off Tut's attack but when he chases after him he finds that Tut has already escaped.

Batman and Gordon head directly to Gotham to confront Nigma but are shocked to find that Nigma's cell is empty! The Riddler has escaped!



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