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Television - Batman: The Series - Character Profiles - Dr. Cassandra
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Cassandra Spellcraft came from a long line of failed female alchemists, right back to her great-grandmother. She was determined to do what her fore-mothers couldn't, and become a success in alchemy. But she ended up following in their footsteps quite neatly, outsmarted by Batman. Warden Crichton gave her a special polka-dot cell for her stay in Gotham Penitentiary, to render her camoflauge pills useless.

Real Name: Cassandra Spellcraft
Occupation: Criminal
Marital Status: Single
Base of Operations:Gotham City
Height: 5ft. 9in
Weight: 125 Lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brow
First Appearance: The Entrancing Dr. Cassandra
Portrayed By: Ida Lupino



•Alvino Ray Gun: Alters the victim's cell structure and robs them of their third dimension, making them completely flat.

Dr. Cassandra Has Never Appeared In Any Other Form Of Media




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