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Action Figures & Dolls - Action Figures - Animated - Justice League Unlimited
Action Figures & Dolls

This 4.75” figure line focused on the off-branch of the Justice League animated series, Justice League Unlimited. Based of the popular style of creator Bruce Timm, it featured many new stylized heroes and villians of the vast DC Comics Universe as if they'd jumped right out of the TV screen. Although still minimal in articulation and accessories, this line would be the first to rely heavily on the usage of 3-pack sets with excellent cartoon likeness abound.

JLU would, in fact, offer the first of many animated DC characters in almost two decades. Several others found their very first cartoon style or any styled action figures in this collection, including Black Canary, The Atom, Booster Gold, Wildcat, Hawk, and Dove. However, the line was also subject to an extremely rare, 100 piece Hal Jordon in Holiday packaging signed by Bruce Timm. To the dismay of countless fans, it would prove to be the only animated Jordon figure produced by Mattel, as its mold was immediately destroyed.


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