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Comics - MiniSeries - Final Crisis Aftermath: Run! - Issue #6

TITLE: Step Six: Stop Running

RELEASE DATE: October 7, 2009
WRITER(s): Matthew Sturges
PENCILER(s): Freddie Williams II
INKER(s): Freddie Williams II
COLORS: Richard Horie; Tanya Horie
LETTERS: Travis Lanham
EDITOR(s): Ian Sattler; Rex Ogle

PRICE: $2.99

CHARACTERS: Human Flame (Mike Miller); Seductress; Green Lantern (John Stewart); Firestorm (Jason Rusch); Red Tornado



Ever since waking up in the hospital Mike Miller has been on one long mission to prove himself. Not just to the super hero community, not just to the villains who doubted him and wanted him dead, but to the entire world! And as he stands at the center of the nuclear explosion that Green Lantern and Firestorm struggle to contain, Mike Miller may just have finally achieved that level of awesomeness he's sought out. The level of bad-assery he's always thought himself worthy of.

But Mike Miller is dead. The Human Flame is dead. The molten radioactive beast that remains in the aftermath of the meltdown now prefers to be known as the In-Human Flame! (Or is it simply The Flame? He can't decide.)

Incapable of running, Miller lumbers into town and begin wreaking havoc on everything in his sight! The very street beneath him is turned into a bubbling pool of cement by his mere step. And therein lies the issue. The lifelong thief can't steal anything because everything he touches combusts into flame and melts! And still those do-gooders continue to attack him. So what does Mike do? He uses his ability to grow to giant size!

Unfortunately Mike's delusion of grandeur has once again come back to bite him. He's grown so big that he doesn't possess enough strength to even move himself anymore! He's effectively paralyzed himself!

So the JLA decides to move Mike off Earth. There they connect a series of superconducting alloy rods that disperse the heat from his microfission cells into the vacuum of space. Technically he could have just shrunk himself back down and escaped, but thankfully Miller isn't quite that smart. Sure it's a pretty harsh fate for a guy, but as Mike said, he isn't human anymore. For better or for worse he's finally become the larger than life monster he's always envisioned himself as.

And with that everything seems just about wrapped up. Seductress is in jail. Mike Miller is finally brought to justice. But there's something left that John Stewart just can't wait to get off his chest. While his JLA teammates take off back towards Earth and he stays behind for one last thing.

Pulling out his cellphone camera, Stewart snaps a photo of Miller in his space-prison.

"Smile." -- click.



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